License business

We will offer topics that will become popular in USA.
We will propose license business in Japan and Asian countries.
As your reliable business partner and through smooth communication our work will include initial contact, setting up meetings, creation of business plans, executing legal contracts, and handling payments etc.
We assure you smooth business flows by our excellent communication skills
which only becomes possible of our understanding the cultural difference
between Japan, Asia, and USA. Our licenses will include, Food Brands, Health and Fitness, Beauty Products,
Characters, Publishing (Authors copyright)  

Import/Export Business Agent and Exclusive Business set up

We offer agency business for products and innovative business enterprise between Japan and USA.
With open innovation, we create new values to clients via matching the clients resources to our most updated business needs in Japan and USA. Through exclusive contracts, we will become your agent to explore your import/export business or act as your contact to further explore your brand. We will offer complete arrangements of handling trademark and patents from required document preparations and actual application between Japan and USA.

B2B Communication

Upon producing your own product in Japan and USA, we can offer the supply of
raw materials. We offer resources of to create new brands through communication and collaboration.